Friday, November 27, 2009

The most beautiful woman in the world and a Happy Thanksgiving

I am back logged on blogging. Oops! We have been so busy with life and photography that "calm and collected" seems like a distant dream of the past. I am posting these images from yesterday because I am so grateful that my Mom felt well enough after an intense chemo treatment in the hospital that she was able to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner. My Grams asked me to bring my camera to dinner so that I could take her Christmas card photo because she was going to "do her hair and brush her dog." (so cute) The photo session got more involved as I lured the group into the oak brush. This included some couple shots of My Aunt Debbie and Uncle Joe, our good family friends Laurie and Gary and of course my Mom and Dad. As you will see below I was even able to get lovely images of my Mom alone (as well as with everyone else that loves her to little bits of bite size pieces.) I cannot get over how amazing she is. Doesn't she just radiate divine beauty? I love her so much! Wesley and Jed are not pictured below. :( They spent Thanksgiving with Jed's family in Denver. We are going to have to get used to this dividing up the holidays thing. We missed you guys!!! :)

Above: Mom my and Grandma Sue

Above: The girls

Above: Winslow and Grams

Above: Grams Sue

Above: Joe and Deb (The Thanksgiving Feast Extraordinaires)

Above: Laurie and Gary

Above: The two best parents in the world! (also known as Jim and Judi Jackson.) :)

Above: The best Dad in the entire universe!!!

Above:My personal fav! Photo credit: Steve Jenkinson (my multi-talented husband)

Above: Kyla, Judi and Jim Photo credit: Steve Jenkinson

Above: Sistah Loving!

Above: The most beautiful woman in the world.

Above: The vertical version of the most beautiful woman in the world.

Above: Judi Jackson sending kisses of gratitude to all of those amazing people who have been supporting us through this process. We are so lucky to have the community of people that we do. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! XOXOXOXO

Above: The boys with the bird.

Above: My favorite part!

Above: Steve monitoring Joe with the turkey

Above: Grams, first in for the feast. Check out my mom laughing in the background. Awesome!

Above: Dinner is serverd

Above: The crew stuffed to the max. :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Halloween Wedding

Brianne and Scott were married in Golden, Colorado on Halloween this year. It was our last wedding of the season and the most unique. The wedding party started out in wedding attire, but after the ceremony the groomsmen transformed into zombies. Most of the guests changed into costume as well. Hey, why not have two celebrations in one night?

Wesley's photo

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Photo Divine: Canyon of the Ancients

Wow! At the end of a long wedding season, with little gusto left, we experience the most incredible Photo Divine weekend in a canyon that lends both inspiration and energy. Each woman embraced the landscape with their divine uniqueness. Michelle Campbell designed hair and make-up to amplify these gorgeous ladies!